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Bisbee Charmers Finale

Rockin' DJ ATL (Attempt to Locate)! When I find her, I will update this post.

Over this past weekend, Bisbee, Arizona, hosted some exciting venues! The monthly Art Walk and the annual Pirates of the Wasteland festival blended into a crazy, good hazy weekend. I attended the closing reception for the exhibit of "Legacies of the Feminine" displayed at the PSA Art Awakenings Gallery. Curator and Artist Ryan provided refreshments of wine and crackers with accompaniments. Artists Alex Wiest and Cyn Kuhn talked about their works and inspirations.

"Farmer's Daughter". Artist Bill Clark. "Legacies of the Feminine" Exhibit at PSA Art Awakenings Gallery in Bisbee, Arizona.

When I was finally able to tear myself away from the reception, I set out to complete the Art Walk. As I strolled past The Look, Carrie Olaje caught my eye and held my attention.

Carrie Olaje painting in oils.

Artist Montigue Eaton joined us, and it took great willpower for me to leave that discussion about art and mediums and carry on with the Art Walk.

Artist Carrie Olaje

Finally, I left the Look Gallery, and headed around the loop. Enchanting notes, musical poetry called to me, clung to me. Carolyn Toronto and Band held me in place with the life and energy in their sound. I didn't finish the Art Walk, because I lost track of time listening to the melodies and harmonies. Thanks to Carolyn Toronto and Band, I found myself wanting to stay longer to catch them at their next performance, and now I present to you to the finale of my narration of Art Walk in Bisbee, August 2018. I and my partner hung out with artist Cyn Kuhn for the night, partially in Thanks to the Carolyn Toronto Band.

Eventually, we joined the party outside. At some point, there was a show with fire dancing, and I'm almost certain that I saw some Mer-Maids, but they turned out to be Land Sirens.

Mer-Maid, or, Land Siren spotting?

Magic Kenny Bang Bang grabs your attention when you pass that way. What resonates most with me, is the creative process behind the Bisbee Seance Room. Several dynamics impress me. Magic Kenny Bang Bang draws from a deeply rooted culture and history in magic, public performances, and stage. Regretfully, I have not yet booked a reading, but I testify to being captivated by the set up, even weeks before he opened the Bisbee Seance Room.

The displays possessed a quality reminiscent of the voodoo shops and bars in New Orleans.

You can learn more about his venue at this link.

I leave you now with this panoramic view of the event. Many other noteworthy artists, musicians, crafters, talents, souls attended, and unfortunately, I was not able to meet all.

Who's that dj?


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